It does not hurt her to touch or squeeze them. Is this something I should…

It does not hurt her to touch or squeeze them. Is this something I should be alarmed about? I’ve included a picture for reference.

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9 years ago

I’d actually like it better if it did hurt to touch, because that would signal an infection. I would not mess with such bumps but have it checked out and aspirated as soon as possible. It’s not about panic but about due diligence.

Kasey Litt
Kasey Litt
9 years ago

Anything that is discolored like that I would have a vet check it immediately.  I check my dogs about once a week, full body check, for growths. Most of the time, it ends up being a fatty deposit, benign growth but my mixed breed, Bailey, ended up having a cancerous growth just above her knee on her back leg.  I took her to the vet for a biopsy because it grew really fast and felt harder and less movable then the fatty deposit had.  They did a needle biopsy and it was cancer. We had it removed and she’s great!