I found a 4 day old kitten it wont hardly poop cant see and has…

I found a 4 day old kitten it wont hardly poop cant see and has seisers what can I do I,m bottle feeding it kitten formula

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello Ann, Thanks for the question, and for caring for the kitten. Seizures and inability to defecate are not normal and likely signify a serious health problem. I would advise that you seek professional assistance from a veterinarian or a cat rescue, or animal rescue group who are experienced in caring for newborns. In general kittens need to be kept warm, be fed about every 3-4 hours, and be stimulated to urinate and defecate. But seizures are indicative of a sugar imbalance (you need to be using a high quality kitten formula and not a grocery store product), or a… Read more »