I found a baby rabbit in the road. I been feedin it 2% cow milk…

I found a baby rabbit in the road. I been feedin it 2% cow milk. this is my 3rd night havin it An its in a cardboard box with grass and cloth. tonight the rabbit is hittin itself everywhere in the box what should I do an what does it mean?

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Chasity Knighten
Chasity Knighten
8 years ago

Yes. The eyes and ears are opened and it has a full coat.

Chasity Knighten
Chasity Knighten
8 years ago

And yes it is using the bathroom.

8 years ago

How old is this baby rabbit? Does it have its eye opened? If possible make a picture. Cow milk is not a good food for baby rabbits, it can cause bloating and pain for them and can lead to death. Try to find someone who has experience in wildlife rescue and let them show you how to care for it if you want to raise it yourself. This is really important. It’s always best to learn from someone experienced. But to get started: get special milk that is used to raise kittens (no ordinary catmilk). It needs to be mixed… Read more »