I found this cat a few hours ago in my garden.(i named him Simba). Hes…

I found this cat a few hours ago in my garden.(i named him Simba). Hes actually a kitten, very small, cute and adorable.
Ive put him in a box and gave him some milk. He drank about 150ml of milk. Now he just doesnt move and look very sad. Ive cover him with a napkin in case hes cold. I just feel like hes bored and depressed. What am i doing wrong? Should i feed him something else? Does he need another cat because hes lonely?

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8 years ago

You should call a veterinarian and bring the kitten in to have it checked right away. Depending on how old the vet estimates it is, will let you know what and how to feed it properly, it will allow you and the vet to know what condition the kitten is in and line you up for proper/necessary immunizations. Best of luck!

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Kittens should be active eating and playful (age dependent). If they are not it should be considered an emergency and you should seek immediate veterinary assistance. Kittens are very fragile. Do not hesitate or wait I hope he is ok.