I found a lump on my dogs paw, and in nervous about what it is

I found a lump on my dogs paw, and in nervous about what it is

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8 years ago

i would be willing to guess this is a lick granuloma based on what i’ve seen on other dogs.  to the vet with you, to make sure your dog doesn’t have pain somewhere on that limb.  they can also prescribe a spray that will deter further licking. what breed is he?  i’d wonder if he’s getting enough mental stimulation.  in some breeds, if they are not trained every day or worked in some sort of sport, they will resort to self-soothing behaviors like licking limbs.  this can turn into OCD (we see this a lot in Doberman Pinschers).  so: figure… Read more »

julie brader
julie brader
8 years ago

Hi, it looks more like a circular bald spot on the photo than a lump…maybe its just the angle of the picture. We really couldn’t tell you what this is…..could be anything. You would need to see a Vet for a diagnosis and treatment. Good luck.