She took 3 days to pass the first stool. We aren’t over feeding but not…

She took 3 days to pass the first stool. We aren’t over feeding but not under feeding. About once every 5-6 hours. She’s gaining weight very slowly. No worms in stool from what I can see. Anything other suggestions are helpful because we can’t afford a vet but don’t want to give her up because we intend to keep her and nurture her back to health.

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julie brader
julie brader
8 years ago

Hello Brandon…well done for giving this dog a home.  Firstly you really do need to take her to a Vet. Not only to see if she’s microchipped (she may actually belong to a worried owner) but she is obviously not in good health and needs checking over. All new pets should be checked by a Vet within the first 3 days of getting them. That said she needs worming and a flea treatment, also heart worm meds if they are prevalent in your area. She needs a top quality food, small meals and often. Split her daily allowance between 4… Read more »

julie brader
julie brader
8 years ago

Sorry wrong button!! Oh dear its nearly bed time I think….

Spaying when she is fit and well will protect her from Pyometra, mammary tumours and also stop unplanned puppies of course.

I wish you the very best of luck!