On Friday, my husband stepped on our male cat’s paw and he let out a…

On Friday, my husband stepped on our male cat’s paw and he let out a yelp. Our female cat, violently attacked him and we were only able to stop the fight by locking her out of the room. Saturday, the male cat snuck his way into the room she was being held in and she violently attacked again. Today we have been switching them in and out of rooms to keep them apart. She has been sniffing where he has been excessively as if she has never smelled him before. They have been playing ok under the door, but when we cracked it slightly, the minute she saw him she hissed again and lunged trying to get him. They have lived together for over 3 years and this has never happened. What should we do?

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8 years ago

This is certainly bizarre behavior. I’d keep them separated for now. Get your male to the vet to get his foot checked, too, in case he’s injured and she’s sensing that.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Hello, I agree with Laura. I would be concerned that the male is injured and the female attacked because he smelled, or looked, or even acted differently. Cats (dogs too) will often attack another household pet when they act (smell/look) differently (the classic example is the pet having a seizure that the others then attack). In an effort to protect the male you should separate them. But I would have both cats looked at by your vet. I would also ask about trying Feliway, and even something to help her anxiety like an SSRI (prozac). Please dont wait. best wishes.… Read more »