My friend just decided not to euthanize her cat of 18 years old today. …

My friend just decided not to euthanize her cat of 18 years old today. The cat is blind and suffering from seizures, as well as dementia. She seems alert and ok, today, though. Do you think that this was the right decision?

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Laurie Davala
Laurie Davala
8 years ago

I’m sure everyone has different thoughts on this, but my heart tells me it’s a quality of life question. If pets primarily live in the moment, it’s a shame for the last moments to involve suffering. It’s so hard for us to say good-bye because we still love and enjoy our pets even if they are no longer enjoying life.

Paul Acerno
Paul Acerno
8 years ago

It’s a tough call, your friend knows the cat better and will have a better idea of if she’s really suffering.

ed chen
ed chen
8 years ago
