My friend took her kitten to the vet this morning to get spayed. When she…
My friend took her kitten to the vet this morning to get spayed. When she went back to pick her up the vet told her the cat vomited 10 minutes after surgery & the vomit went into her lungs… Is this
a common thing that happens ?
No in my experience this is not common. I don’t allow my clients to feed their pets for 6-12 hours before surgery. And I try to avoid using an anesthetic that can cause vomiting. I would ask your vet for more details and info and what follow up measures or precautions you should take.
No in my experience this is not common. I don’t allow my clients to feed their pets for 6-12 hours before surgery. And I try to avoid using an anesthetic that can cause vomiting. I would ask your vet for more details and info and what follow up measures or precautions you should take.