My friend gave me her puppy and she doesn’t have her shots, she has worms…

My friend gave me her puppy and she doesn’t have her shots, she has worms and she’s 3 months I’m really scared !! Help !!

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8 years ago

there’s no reason to be scared UNLESS your puppy is horribly, horribly ill.  don’t panic!  we’re here to help you. 🙂

first things first: get that puppy to a vet today or tomorrow (ideally today).  get started on a vaccination schedule.  take a fresh poop sample in a ziplock baggie – it should be very fresh, like the last poop before you go.

secondly, invest in a crate.  crates are immensely useful tools that help with housebreaking…and trust me, if you have never had a dog before it’ll be a LIFESAVER.