My 12 lb French Bulldog/Shitzu mix is displaying symptoms of garlic poisoning after ingesting garlic…

My 12 lb French Bulldog/Shitzu mix is displaying symptoms of garlic poisoning after ingesting garlic powder. It has been at least 10 hours and she is showing symptoms now. What can I do for her here at home?

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Julie Brader
7 years ago

Hi Emily, Sorry to hear this. There is nothing you can do at home for your dog. She needs to see a Vet urgently. If you had taken her to a Vet when she first ingested the garlic powder the Vet would have induced vomiting to remove it from her stomach. She may well have been kept at the Vet for a day or so to make sure there were no further effects from the garlic. Unfortunately after 10 hours the garlic is in her system and will be far more difficult to treat and eridicate it. Please don’t leave… Read more »

7 years ago

Agreed- just to add, drinking water may help flush your dogs system quicker, but making a dog drink might prove difficult. I would also advise getting to the vet ASAP.