Our German shepherd has suddenly developed what feels like a tiny scab on the tip…

Our German shepherd has suddenly developed what feels like a tiny scab on the tip of each of his ears. You can’t see it, but when I was loving on him earlier this morning I felt it. Upon further inspection I realized that it is like a little scab on each tip. It doesn’t seem to bother him. Both dogs have been outside a ton since the weather has finally been nice the past few days. I’m wondering if it could be allergies acting up?

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello my dear Pawbly friend! There are numerous conditions that can cause the tip of the pinna to crust. Parasites like scabies, poor circulation that might indicate a heart problem, immune mediated disease (I always worry about this in this breed), allergies, infection and even organ impairment like liver disease. (There are others too).. Because you are a client I would start with making sure he is on monthly Nexgard or every 3 month Bravecto for the scabies. Look closely for evidence of allergies elsewhere on him and have an exam with blood work as the next step. Hope this… Read more »