My girlfriend and I are getting 2 french bulldog puppies. How long do use a…

My girlfriend and I are getting 2 french bulldog puppies. How long do use a crate after they are done housing training? I feel once they are house broken they should be free to roam. She feels they should always have it.

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Brian Adrian
Brian Adrian
9 years ago

Why do you suggest waiting to get the second puppy? Our biggest fear is the puppy having seperation anxiety and feel with two puppies (siblings) they would comfort eachother.

I leave work at 6 and am home by 4, my girlfriend leaves work at 8:30 and is home at 5:30 but plans to come home at noon to let them out. How long is too long to have them in the crate?

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi Brian……..its your decision of course but I would never advise anyone to get two puppies at the same time. Wait until the first one is 18 months or so then get another one. Anyhow…..back to crates. Its really up to the individual whether you crate your dogs or not. They are very useful though. Never use them as a punishment, crates should be a happy place for dogs to go. If you cover them, leaving the door section uncovered they make a great “den” and dogs love dens. If you decide to carry on with the crates after housetraining… Read more »

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi again Brian, I understand your logic of having two puppies if you both work. Make sure you get a nice big cage so they have room to move-and think of them as adults when you buy it. This is my personal opinion and I probably shouldn’t be airing it here lol Having a puppy is, believe me, like having a baby in the house. To care for one puppy, housetrain, basic training, socialising and financial costs (believe me there will be) is very hard work and time consuming. To do all this for two is twice all of the… Read more »