My Golden Retriever puppy of 87 days does not eat his food but if it…

My Golden Retriever puppy of 87 days does not eat his food but if it is mixed with his treats he eats it why? And how to make him eats his food.

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

A puppy this young not eating is ALWAYS a sign of something wrong. Go immediately to the vet. I would be very very worried that he is sick and that it isn’t the food. I hope he is ok

7 years ago

Well, it is a broad question. Here is the thing. It is possible that there is an issue with the food itself, such as a) it might have rancid fats, b) it might contain something that doesn’t agree with your pup’s system … more importantly, your pup might not be feeling well. Here is how that works – some foods are more attractive/palatable than others and entice being eaten even if the stomach feels upset. For example, we had a similar problem with Jasmine (also since she was a pup) and eventually it turned out she had IBD. I’d starting… Read more »