16 week Golden Retriever puppy can go all night in her kennel and it is…

16 week Golden Retriever puppy can go all night in her kennel and it is dry but during the day she pees every time I go out. I had a towel in there and I thought maybe she did it because the towel absorbed the dampness. Today I left her for 3 hours with no towel and she wet the kennel. She is still in a small kennel.Any ideas?

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I often wonder if these guys get bored and subsequently over excited and therefore pee in her crate. Is she going to her crate in the morning after a LOT of exercise and play and therefore tired? Have you hought about leaving a way to record what she does after you leave? Maybe that will provide the clues you need?

6 years ago

I agree with Dr. M – she needs to be TIRED when she goes in. Also make sure she’s empty before you put her in…and maybe get her checked for a UTI. My bitch puppy peed in the crate only once, and it was due to a UTI.