Good day- We are owners of a new 12-week-old rescue puppy names Bruno. He has been …

Good day- We are owners of a new 12-week-old rescue puppy names Bruno. He has been a great addition to the family and we are working thought having a new puppy in the house.
Reference to crate training at night, should we be waking up in the middle of the night to take him out (4-5 hours or so), or should he alert us that he needs to go out and then we wake up and take him out? We do walk him before going to sleep in his crate. Please advise your thoughts.

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5 years ago

Yes, when crate training, someone should wake up in the middle of the night to take puppy out…unless you stagger bedtimes in such a way that he’s only in there 4 hours.

Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello! My answer depends on a few things. For the first week I just tel people to focus on getting used to each other I’m more worried about the stress of acclimating than the hard core training although both should be thought about simultaneously. If he is waking up at night then yes help to reassure hi and to get him on a potty break schedule by getting up. Most puppies won’t sleep more than 3-5 ours at a time until they are about 4-6 months old. So getting up as soon as he gets up helps to reinforce he… Read more »