Good morning and happy thanksgiving Pawbly friends!!! We decided to go to a local trail this …

Good morning and happy thanksgiving Pawbly friends!!! We decided to go to a local trail this morning with the kids and the dogs. Rontu, who is usually pretty good on leash, was really a maniac. Lots of panting, whining, pulling…. really a jerk???? My thinking is anxiety because it is not one of our normal walking trails. We walk everyday, but the same usual routes with little variation. I am now going to start bringing him to other places once or twice a week where we can work on this behavior. I will be sure to bring lots of treats and patience. We have not had this issue with any of our other GSDs, so I am just guessing that this will be a good way to start to correct this behavior. If anyone has any other ideas, please share. Thanks!!!????????

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Happy thanksgiving. I think you are spot on! Try new places and try tho balance the excitement (and yes possibly anxiety too) of a new place with the focused intellectually challenging aspect of exploring. Keep him on a tight watch and enjoy as he learns new boundaries and new explorations. Sending love to you all.