Good morning my 15 year old domestic short hair cat (Oreo) has been very lethargic, not eating …

Good morning my 15 year old domestic short hair cat (Oreo) has been very lethargic, not eating or drinking for the past 3 days . I have taken him to the clinic and to the ER within these 3 days. Either place was able to give me some real insight as to what may be the problem. He does have mild azotemia. His creatine number is about 2.7! His red blood cells ate also a little in the low side. Both the clinic and ER have taken blood work. And then told me to just take him home and monitor him, but he is not showing any improvement. I’ve attached a video of him walking and his blood work for reference! What do you think could be causing this. What should be my next steps? I’ve had my cat since I was 15 I am now 30. I’m not ready for him to go. Please Help!

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

I am not able to diagnose online. But I do think that it would be helpful to find a feline specialist. I would also talk about adding sq fluids to be done daily at home and an appetite stimulant while you try to figure out what is going on. In some cases I also recommend in clinic iv fluids to help diurese the kidneys.

I hope this helps.

Very best of luck.