Good morning Pawbly friends. Our old guy, Butch, is has been piddling often in the house. …

Good morning Pawbly friends. Our old guy, Butch, is has been piddling often in the house. Not always- and he is not peeing. Just droplets have been escaping when he shakes or stretches getting up if he hasn’t been out for a bit. I am not surprised- he is in his late teens. We just grab a Lysol wipe and clean it up, no worries. Now, Occasionally feces has started to escape as well???? I only imagine it will start to happen more often. I feel bad for him- he looks so shameful when it happens. Any advice on doggie diapers? I don’t know that Butch will wear them, but if it gets worse and he still isn’t ready to leave us, I’d like to know what to look for. Thanks!!!
**also, my apologies for not replying where I can lately- I think there is a little glitch on this site that they are working out.????????

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

It sounds like he is becoming incontinent. In German shepherds I worry most about it degenerative myelopathy. We call it DM (not the diabetes thing though). Please see your vet for help with this. Or it can be from a result of muscle loss due to atrophy or even weakness or stiffness associated with osteoarthritis where they are reluctant to get up because it is painful.

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

It sounds like he is becoming incontinent. In German shepherds I worry most about it degenerative myelopathy. We call it DM (not the diabetes thing though). Please see your vet for help with this. Or it can be from a result of muscle loss due to atrophy or even weakness or stiffness associated with osteoarthritis where they are reluctant to get up because it is painful.