Oh my gosh! How dangerous is febreeze for pets?

Oh my gosh! How dangerous is febreeze for pets?

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

That’s what I would have done too!

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello, There was an internet rumor going around a few years ago about this product being dangerous around pets. I did some research and all of the toxicologists I heard from say it is safe for use around pets… BUT, I have to be totally honest and admit that I don’t use any sprays, powders, or chemicals in or around my home (except for bleach to clean very soiled areas using very dilute 1:30 with hot water). I just don’t think the “nice smell” is worth the allergens, inhalation, or product on the face/fur/skin,,, it does after all get ingested… Read more »