Got this 3-4 week kitten who needed a home and appears to have a twisted/angular …

Got this 3-4 week kitten who needed a home and appears to have a twisted/angular wrist. He was most likely born with this deformity since I don’t believe his legs cause him any pain. He is starting to walk and it is becoming a bit of a struggle.
Can someone recommend me any options? I don’t want to go to the Vet just now because i know it will end being costly with X-rays and such. Right now i’m considering splinting, but I also want to know other options like maybe messages, etc. He is doing pretty well, but since he does sometimes walk, supporting his leg on the leg twisted (the bone, rather than his paw), i’m afraid it’ll become a future problem when he’s older.

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Krista Magnifico
3 months ago


If you follow my blog at I have a few articles on this. I would use a soft splint and rest. These kittens grow and the legs strengthen and they can have normal lives. If you are anywhere near me in northern Maryland I will help.