I have gotten a 8month old mountain cur puppy today for free online and the…

I have gotten a 8month old mountain cur puppy today for free online and the guy said he was good with kids and he was shy at first well my 4 year old son went to go pet her and she bite him and she bite my husband I messaged the guy and told him about it but he said he couldn’t take her back I don’t know what to do?

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7 years ago

I would first get to the vet and have the dog checked and inoculated. Then I would enroll in a training class class right away. It sounds like this dog needs structure and socialization asap. Lots of exercise and a behaviorist might also benefit all of you for training and dog behaviors. And also….Please be wary of “free” pets online. Very best of luck to you.

7 years ago

Honestly…the dog MAY have been overwhelmed. There are classic fear periods, and this age is often when the second fear period kicks in. I wouldn’t let your 4 year old anywhere near her right now, and I WOULD get the puppy evaluated by a professional as soon as possible. It’s very likely the previous owner said anything that would work to get the dog out of his hands.