When I was grooming my cat I accidentally cut her skin. The wound doesn’t look…

When I was grooming my cat I accidentally cut her skin. The wound doesn’t look deep and is not bleeding. Is it safe to use Neosporin ointment on her wound? The wound looks like a small tear.

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello, Unfortunately I see this too often. Hard as I try to beg and plead with people to NEVER USE SCISSORS! They do and it happens. The skin will often heal on its own BUT too often it closes over an infection which causes an abscess or the skin edges don’t heal due to the cat licking it which then causes infection. Cats don’t heal as well as dogs do with cuts therefore I always recommend seeing the vet now to get the wound assessed and antibiotics started BEFORE it gets to be something serious and expensive. I hope this… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

You’re Welcome Jen, Good luck!