I got a hamster 4 days ago and I handled him for the first time…

I got a hamster 4 days ago and I handled him for the first time yesterday, he was fine, didn’t bite was just a bit jumpy but that was to be expected. He woke up a little while ago because something made him jump it is 8:38pm now and he is normally awake by now and running on his wheel. Last night he was a little off, he normally runs on his wheel for hours but last night he curled up in the corner of his cage which he never does.. He is sort of awake now but is still laying in his hut which is unusual because normally he comes out of his hut as soon as he wakes up has some food then goes in his wheel but today he hasn’t, I placed a bit of food outside his hut and he came to sniff it and as he did some of his bedding came out and it had brown on it, not much but it worried me. He then came out and came to the edge of the cage to smell my hand and he had sawdust, bedding and poo stuck to his tail. Also he hasn’t drank any water since I have got him, I use a bottle. I am really worried he might have wet tail, please help:(

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Aricka Graff
Aricka Graff
9 years ago

My old hamster had wet tail and I bought medicine for it at petsmart and he healed.