Has anyone had a dog die of congestive heart failure after being on a no grain …

Has anyone had a dog die of congestive heart failure after being on a no grain diet? My American Bulldog had bad allergies to grains and anything w feathers so I kept her diet limited ingredient grain free. She died suddenly of congestive heart failure and I would like to know what to do if your dog needs to be on a restricted diet how do you keep them safe from hear failure. She was only 8 and it broke my heart to lose her. She collapsed right in front of me

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Krista Magnifico
9 months ago

Hello, The answer for this comes in a few parts. First, yes, I suspect I have had some patients die from heart failure secondary to grain free diets. These were confirmed as suspected by the cardiologist who saw them after me. So. Yes. I am concerned that grain free contributes detrimentally to heart disease and death. Second was heart disease confirmed by your vet? Or a cardiologist? I see far more bulldogs dying from brachycephalic syndrome disease than anything else. By a lot. I had three die this summer from inability to breathe after getting too hot or too overexerted.… Read more »

9 months ago

A friend’s golden lost his life to a cardiac event after several years on a grain free diet, confirmed by necropsy that he had a heart attack. The problem with grain-free diets is the substitution of legumes as fillers – this seems to be the contributing factor for dietary DCM. Did you have a necropsy done to verify it was the heart? I’m so very sorry. Assuming your dog had dietary DCM, DCM is the absolute worst. We lost our Doberman in the same way, to sudden death, but in her case it’s endemic in the breed and she was… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Marie

I would do trials of various proteins to verify the allergies are, in fact, environmental, and then feed a limited ingredient kibble based on that. There are several on the market if you’re in the US. I know someone whose greyhound couldn’t do fish or chicken and did exceedingly well on Natural Balance.

9 months ago
Reply to  Marie

Also? Talk to a cardiologist in your area.

9 months ago
Reply to  Marie

Ah, sounds environmental for sure. I’d just feed a decent grain inclusive food.