have him on science diet dry he will not eat wet food got him back after …

have him on science diet dry he will not eat wet food got him back after they unblocked him could not afford 2days for iv they want to charge me 2000$ to 3000 for that I paid 800$ first time it happened and 760$ this time he’s on antibiotics for 15 days and gabapentin at night I live in southeast Florida I cannot find anyone that is not out of control with cost either I fly to you for PU I know you in jerettville MD I called your office yesterday to see if can set up a consultation over the phone please I love him I don’t want take him back to rescue I work at CVS low income but I will spend my savings to get this done .
When I found you on utube I was relieved somebody arm and leg and compassion please call I work mon I’m off today and tomorrow anytime mon before 1pm hopefully he will not block again.

He’s a sweet boy
I have never had a male when I rescued him if I were to know a out this problem .
Please help I don’t want to take him back.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Hello, Your cat and this issue are not uncommon. I hear about cases like yours all the time. As we try to figure out a plan for you and your kitty I will need your help in providing as much information as possible on what was done, where and how much it cost. There is a storyline section where all of this can be added. My hope is to find a way to help everyone in your predicament. And I cannot possibly do every cat and every pu surgery. So let’s start with the immediate. Your cat needs fluids. And… Read more »