I have a very heavy heart right now, BlackJack is acting up again, well I…

I have a very heavy heart right now, BlackJack is acting up again, well I don’t think he ever stopped, he has been growling and snapping at my husband and he did it to my daughter as she walked by him one night in was in our bedroom on the floor sleeping, he is no longer allowed to sleep in the bedroom, last night he snapped at my husband Jack was downstairs my husband went to the kitchen jack got on the steps and wouldn’t move for my husband to come back up stairs when he grabs his collar he snapped at him. I called the gentlemen you guys told me about back in May, but his cost is 2,300.00 to try and fix him I just don’t have that kinda of money. Is there any type of medications I can give him? I really don’t want to put him down it is killing me to think about it but him growling at my daughter was a little to much. I keep him away from guest when them come become I never know how he will react. Please if there is anything I can give him I will try.

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7 years ago

Did you get him checked with your vet to make sure this isn’t a medical issue?

Medications may or may not “work” to calm your dog, and they should not be used as a replacement for training. You NEED a behaviorist to work with you and your dog. If this isn’t feasible, please consider finding him a new home. He hasn’t yet bitten anyone, correct? If this is true, then he may very well be trained away from this behavior, but it needs to be in a home truly invested in his training and overall well-being.