Hello, 1 of our 2 orphaned newborn kittens (6 days old of age) started eating less the last 12 hours. …

1 of our 2 orphaned newborn kittens (6 days old of age) started eating less the last 12 hours. Before 3 hours I noticed his right front leg was swollen and took him to vet immediatelly. The vet said it might be broken bone or soft tissue injury but she cant tell or do anything before the kitten reaches 3 weeks. I keep the routine of feeding, cleaning + toilet. Is there anything more I should do?
Thank you

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5 years ago

Good morning. I would call the vet right away and let them know about the change in appetite. I would also ask if there is anything at all that you should be doing… rest, for example. I would definitely watch her closely, and make note of any changes at all and call your vet right away if you notice anything.