Hello. I adopted my 12 year old cat yesterday around 8:00 pm, he hasn’t peed…

Hello. I adopted my 12 year old cat yesterday around 8:00 pm, he hasn’t peed or pooped since then. But he is still eating regularly and drinking a bowl a day, also he is still his affectionate self. Should I be worried??

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Brittany Foltice
Brittany Foltice
8 years ago

Has he tried using the bathroom by going in the litter box but nothing is coming out?

Brittany Foltice
Brittany Foltice
8 years ago

I would say that if it has been a while since he has used the bathroom, your best bet is to consult a vet. If he has tried but failed to use the bathroom, there could be some sort of blockage preventing them from using the bathroom. I know with one of my 9 year old cats, he wasn’t able to use the bathroom, and after a bit he would scream in pain when trying. Turned out that he had crystalized urine, very painful but easily treatable with some antibiotics. But even if he doesn’t seem to be trying to… Read more »