Hello all, i am going to try to explain this the best i can. I adopted …

Hello all, i am going to try to explain this the best i can. I adopted Louie a little over 2 years ago. He is now estimated at 11 years old. He goes into these phases of waking us up every morning at 4am and doesnt allow us to sleep until about 10am. He will constantly intermittently meow during those 6 or so hours. I say phases because he is currently doing it and its been about a week since it started but he hadnt done it for about 2 months.
This time, hes sitting outside our guest room door just meowing. He has never been in there and never shown interest till now. At first we thought it was maybe a start of dementia bc it is the room right before mine and he usually spends his time in mine, but now we arent so sure. He was in my room, left, and within 3 seconds was meowing at the other door. That just seemed like too quick a turn around between fine and not fine in terms of dementia.
When he has these periods of meowing, i always check to make sure there is food, water and a clean litter box available. That hasnt been the problem.
I am getting very frustrated as i havent slept well in over a week because of his meowing. Its like having a new-born. (Best type of birth control ever).
Its almost as if he knows hes doing wrong because after the first time i say “Louie hush” he’ll start meowing more quietly. Unfortunately. Still loud enough to wake me and keep me awake.

Any ideas are welcome and appreciated.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, There are many possibilities to this behavior. I would absolutely start at your vets office. My first guess is hyperthyroidism. And next Kinsey disease, but certainly cognitive dysfunction is also on the list. If at all possible find a feline specialist and go there. You should expect that they will want to do some tests. I always tell my clients that your pets have only a few ways to tell you that there is a problem. You have to pay attention to them and believe them. She isn’t intended to annoy you but she is absolutely telling you that… Read more »