Hello all! My 7-month-old English labrador got spayed yesterday. She went into surgery at 7 am and …

Hello all!

My 7-month-old English labrador got spayed yesterday. She went into surgery at 7 am and we picked her up at 3 p.m. Of course, she was not herself due to the anesthesia. Once we got home, we fed her some lunch and then later some dinner, she was very hungry. Now, the following day, we have noticed she has yet to poop. She has peed minimally but has not pooped once. Is this normal for female dogs after undergoing surgery?

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3 years ago

Hi there-
Sometimes the anesthesia can slow things down. I would give her a little time- hopefully she has by now. If she still hasn’t, I would call your vet and speak to them. Best of luck!!

Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

I am not usually worried about not defecating for a few days after surgery. She should however be acting normally and urinating normally. If worries call your vet and confirm. Better safe than sorry. Ty for spaying her!