there are no clear wounds and he doesn’t scream when you feel along his body…

there are no clear wounds and he doesn’t scream when you feel along his body and legs, just at random times maybe when he’s moved or especially when picked up.

Being in such a rural area the owner (cambodian) does not seem to understand that his pet could be really hurt on the inside etc

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Bonnie Lowe
Bonnie Lowe
8 years ago

Yeah I’m hoping I can do that

Bonnie Lowe
Bonnie Lowe
8 years ago

I have also sent the vet in the area (found one online) a message to see if he can give me advice

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

It could be a spinal injury which is VERY painful, and it will need pain medication and rest to recover.  

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

The only thing you can do is try to convince the owner to take him for help.  Also, you can see if there is an agency similar to Humane Society or SPCA who can get the dog looked at