Hello, I’m aspiring to become a veterinarian. I’m currently in a community college. For one…

Hello, I’m aspiring to become a veterinarian. I’m currently in a community college. For one of my school projects, I need to interview someone in the career field. I was wondering if I could email one of your vets or private message you on this site. I have about 10 questions that hopefully won’t take long to answer. Thank you for your time.

1. What made you decide to become a veterinarian?
2. In your opinion what is the hardest subject in school for vets?
3. How did you handle that subject? Do you have any tips or advice for a student in that field?
4. Have you ever questioned your decision to become a vet?
5. Do you have any advice or recommendations on the hours needed before being accepted into a vet university?
6. What school did you attend and what was your degree for, besides A.S.?
7. What is your favorite part about being a vet? Least favorite?
8. What is the hardest part about being a vet?
9. What advice, if any, do you have for a student aspiring to become a vet?
10. What advice would you have liked to have when you were becoming a veterinarian?

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

It is important to get experience in a vets office. In US schools it is mandatory. I recommend that you volunteer with a vet and over time ask these questions. Good luck