I changed my bettas water two days ago and this morning he would not…

I changed my bettas water two days ago and this morning he would not dance for me and I noticed his gills have a red tinge to them. He is active other than not dancing for breakfast and doesn’t seem to have difficulty breathing. All my reaserch come up with Ammonia burns but that doesn’t make sense with it happening after a water change instead of in dirty water.

He lives in a 3 gallon bowl that I do a 75%water change on weekly. I put aquarium salt in the water as well as conditioner and let it sit in the same room as his bowl for 2 days. I am very worried about him and need to know how to help him as I am leaving today for the weekend and have to give my mom instructions on how to medicate and care for him.

Please Help!

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8 years ago

Have you tested the water?