My ~1 year old cat is having two problems:
1. While we play, she is moving…

My ~1 year old cat is having two problems:
1. While we play, she is moving her head in a weird way when (I think) she needs to focus on the “prey” with her ears.
This can be seen below in this short clip:
2. She sometimes plainly shakes head, during play time or walking. This behavior is clearly seen on the clip below:

Does this look like an inner ear infection (since I can’t observe any ear mites/parasites/fleas on the outside of the ears)? Is it possible to treat at home or she needs to see a vet?

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8 years ago

first: THANK YOU for linking to videos in  your post.  i really appreciate that, and it makes it a LOT easier to diagnose.

for 1 – i agree with you.  i think she’s focusing on the “prey” with her odd head movement.  i’ve seen this before in a healthy cat.

for 2 – maybe?  i’d wait and see on it, honestly. if this is only during walks and play it may be behavior-related rather than health.