Hello, I have a 9 month old valley bulldog/boxer mix puppy, recently in the last couple…

I have a 9 month old valley bulldog/boxer mix puppy, recently in the last couple weeks his black nose has started turning brown… I have never experienced this before and just wondering if I should be worried or not. Thanks

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Ashley Thibault
Ashley Thibault
9 years ago

Thank you very much 🙂 no PitBull in him though, he is 3/4 valley bulldog and 1/4 boxer 🙂 but yeah I’m just not sure about it, it maybe time to take him in for a check up

Ashley Thibault
Ashley Thibault
9 years ago

Thank you 🙂 he’s definitely a sweetheart. I know its not dirt I’ve tried washing it lol its the actual pigment. He seems happy and healthy other wise! It might not be anything to worry about but I still can’t help it lol

Olivia Lance
Olivia Lance
9 years ago

I’m no vet so I’m not sure if that means anything. However, I have a 2 year old boxer and sometimes her nose seems to be black one day than brown. Sometimes maybe it is just from dirt, but I think as long as its wet and they seem fine it’s good. Cute puppy! Hope that helps..