Hello I am from I India I stay in a village where no veterinary near me …

Hello I am from I India I stay in a village where no veterinary near me if I need vet I need to travel with the cat so please help.My cat has a lump on his right side of his jaw as I saw the YouTube video of yours on that cat .So can u advice some home remedies to take care of it.Can you help me please?
Please answer fast I lost too many cats and he is last one I need to save him.

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4 years ago

Without knowing the cause of the lump on your cat’s jaw, there really is minimal advice to share. This lump could be many things- an infected or abscessed wound, a tooth that has become infected, a growth benign or cancerous, a cyst…. it could be many things. In order to know how to treat it, a vet needs to first diagnose it. I am sorry that more advice can not be offered at this time.