Hello! I could use some guidance on a new foster puppy. Puppy is 10 weeks female CH …

I could use some guidance on a new foster puppy. Puppy is 10 weeks female CH puppy and is coming from Mexico from a rescue. She has a shot record and will be flying with a companion on February 11. I need to put my furry family first. Can you help guide me on precautions that I need to take other than shots? Do I quarantine her in my house or another? I’ve received several videos. She looks healthy. I’m probably taking on more than I should right??. I guess I can google this but thought I’d ask someone who knows the real risks.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I’m going to answer this two fold. First you are my fiend and I know. And second as a person who wants to provide info to others in your situation. Ok. I know you are the kindest most generous person I know. I also know that you cannot turn away from an animal in need it makes you the exceptional one in a million person that you are. So. For this case. Since I think you are already committed to taking this pup I would make very sure that you undetand and meet all of the government restrictions and… Read more »

4 years ago

Dr. Magnifico’s your best bet for medical stuff, but I’d be very, very careful with any dog imported from outside our borders. Even a dog coming in from Hawaii would have me concerned.


In the last year I’ve trained two puppies from outside the continental US, and both died of distemper due to misrepresented shot records. PLEASE follow quarantine protocols to the letter, for the safety of your existing pets.