Hello, I have a 1 year old French Mastiff female, she like to flop down on the …


I have a 1 year old French Mastiff female, she like to flop down on the floors or outside a lot. She has gotten a Hygroma on her right from leg now and it’s not hurting her but I will like to know what is the best way to get it gone?

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4 years ago

DON’T have the vet drain it. It should reduce on its own. You can try making a leg covering for her, or encourage her to lay on soft surfaces like beds, mats, etc. If you crate her, have something soft in the crate.

(We went through this with our Doberman. It did reduce on its own, though it took awhile and we had to back out of two shows while it resolved.)

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I agree with Laura! It comes from trauma and it will only recur if you don’t resolve the stress on the joint. I use Doggleggs coverings and an orthopedic bed.