Hello, I have a question concerning my Vizsla dog who got spay on the 30.12 at 12.15pm. …

Hello, I have a question concerning my Vizsla dog who got spay on the 30.12 at 12.15pm. She has been spooting blood here and there from her vulva and I am really worry if everything is ok. We have holidays in my country so her veterinar in not available. She is acting compleately normally eating and drinking and going potty normally. But the spotting from her vulva is a concert for me thats why I write.

Thanks in advance


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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Please call your vet and ask them. I am always very worried after I spay a dog if there is any abnormal bleeding.

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

No one other than your vet, or a vet who can do an in person exams can tell you whether or not this is an emergency and it would be irresponsible for anyone other then them to provide guidance just in case there is anything wrong. Hopefully it is just a little post op bleeding, but as a vet who does a lot of surgery I always worry and I am always hyper vigilant in monitoring post op. Please call a vet and have her seen