Hello, I have a question regarding a split nail, not sure how it happened. Just saw a small trail of bloody footprints when we got back in from a very short walk no blood outside just indoors. I check my dogs paw and I see that the nail is broken. It broken two pieces. The bottom piece is intact, but the quick is exposed, and the top is still attached, but barely… I saw the video on YouTube explaining how the top broken piece can be removed, but had a few follow up questions. If I’m not able to get the numbing agent from the vet, what else would work? lidocaine, ice? And after the piece is pulled out, what over-the-counter and anabiotic ointment can I use? Can I use Silver Honey ointment for her aftercare or do I have to take my dog to the vet after I pull the nail out for the antibiotics?
Hello, I have a question regarding a split nail, not sure how it happened. Just saw …
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This is usually painful bc the broken nai is irritating the sensitive quick underneath it. So removing the nail often alleviates the discomfort. But removing the nail is also painful which is why I use an analgesic or numbing agent. I use lidocaine gel. I also use a sterile blade or nail trimmers. I also use a medical antibiotic cleaner and oral antibiotic as I have seen a dog get tetanus after this.