Since then the kitten has been playing with me, eating and drinking, his poop…

Since then the kitten has been playing with me, eating and drinking, his poop looks like it looked before. Should I expect something bad to happen? It looks more or less like that

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Anna Nowak
Anna Nowak
9 years ago

Thank you 🙂 Do you maybe know how long can it take for symptoms to appear? He still seems fine and energetic

Anna Nowak
Anna Nowak
9 years ago

Thank you so much again!

9 years ago

I AM NOT A VET, but in your situation i think i’d wait and see.  i don’t think there’s anything inherently toxic in water found in a dehumidifier.

9 years ago

that i don’t know, but i’d just keep an eye on behavior, urinating, defecating, eating, drinking, etc. for a day or two, then i wouldn’t even bother worrying.