Hello Dr. Krista, my 3,5 year old shiz-poo, male got paralyzed on March 29, just…

Hello Dr. Krista, my 3,5 year old shiz-poo, male got paralyzed on March 29, just playing at home with another dog. Next day we went to EI and we were told that his injury is (slipped disc) at T13-L3, based on xray. Surgery would have been 10.000 $, with 50/50 chance of recovery according to doctor, no chance with steroids. We couldn’t afford the surgery. Our home doctor gave us little hope and Shadow has been on steroids since March 31. After 7 days there was no improvement,doctor recommended euthanasia but with minimum chance we asked for 7 more days of meds. He has very weak deep pain sensation. His back legs are paralyzed, he poops and pees without control, has good appetite and when let out of cage he wants to run on his front legs dragging the back. I just ran across your videos on youtube, not to give up on those dogs, but i am not sure if a miracle can really happen. Is it really possible that he would walk again? I dont want him to suffer but not sure what to do. Could you please let me know your opinion about it, thank you so much! We are desperate…Anita

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I would never tell anyone that miracles can’t happen. They do. Although they are far and few between. Is it possible to care for him as a parapalegic? Can you manage him as he is? Can you keep him clean and dry and manage the bathroom difficulties? If so why not continue to do so?

Indiana Carroll
Indiana Carroll
6 years ago

do what you can to help your pup and i hope you the best
if you believe that your pup will be able to live through the pain then he will so never give up
hope the best