
My managers Lab just had a litter of puppies. The puppies are 1/2…


My managers Lab just had a litter of puppies. The puppies are 1/2 lab and 1/2 mix. I ended up getting one of the last boys, hes just under 10 weeks old. I am aware that he has not had any vaccinations yet. I have heard that he was supposed to have his first shots around 8 weeks but I have started seeing more and more articles that say to wait until 12 weeks to get his first shots in order for his immune system to react better. Can you help me out please??? I am a very loving father to my dog and I only want the best for him

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello Zachary, Congratulations on your new puppy! They are a big responsibility, a bit of work, and an enormous amount of joy. I applaud your sense of responsibility and desire to provide the best you can for him. Here is my advise for all new parents. Bring your puppy to see the vet ASAP. I say within the first three days. I also ask them to bring a fresh fecal sample as many puppies come with intestinal worms. (I tell my clients that it is part of the package so don’t be upset, just be proactive!). I will review the… Read more »