Hello, My 4 month old goldendoodle has had bad ear infections since I have had him…


My 4 month old goldendoodle has had bad ear infections since I have had him. He has been to vet 3 times had cytology and doc says it is yeast. We have tried 2 diff drops and removed ear hair. Also tried apple c vngr. I need help!

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Brett Zurcher
Brett Zurcher
9 years ago

He is eating natures variety instinct raw boost grain free.

Brett Zurcher
Brett Zurcher
9 years ago

the food i am feeding him is natures variety instinct raw boost it is grain free and gluten free. 70$ a bag.

Brett Zurcher
Brett Zurcher
9 years ago

Krista, do you recommend trying anything else to try and save money first before derm visit? It is 150 plus meds most of which you can buy online. I know there are lots of anti bacterial microbial drops you can buy. Tee tree oil, vinegar water mix etc etc.

Brett Zurcher
Brett Zurcher
9 years ago

sorry i forgot to mention I have paid for 2 cytology’s at the vet and they come back as yeast every time. we have tried 2 prescription drops both seem to do nothing was just looking for another answer. Of course not trying to shortcut but not sure what else a vet dermatologist could prescribe or do that a vet could not. first puppy sorry i am new to this.

Filippa Lundin
Filippa Lundin
9 years ago

this happened with two of my dogs too. Turned out they were gluten intolerant. Maybe you can try cutting gluten entirely out of their diets.