Hello. My 4 year old male cat had a urinary blockage they did a catheter and unblocked …

Hello. My 4 year old male cat had a urinary blockage they did a catheter and unblocked him sent him home and he wasn’t getting better 2 days later took him back and now he has a bladder infection. Sent us home with Amoxocillin. Took him back to er and now he is blocked again. Another catheter is in. My question is if they pull the catheter will he block again due to the bladder infection he still has? My thoughts are can they leave it in longer and keep the urine flowing until his badder infection clears? Lastly the urine culture hasn’t been verified yet to know exactly what antibiotic is needed apparently that takes a week. They just guess Amoxocillin. Please let me know your thoughts.

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Krista Magnifico
2 months ago

I always advise unblocking and leaving the urinary catheter in for about 3 days whilst giving iv fluids. It helps flush the bladder (and whatever caused the blockage) and diurese the kidneys which are usually impacted. I do not advise unblocking and then removing the catheter. Both cause more trauma to an already traumatized urethra.
I also advise transferring to your own vets office for Care of the er is too expensive.
I have more information on this subject on my blog KMDVM.blogspot.com.