Hello, my cat just had 2 polyps removed today. One from his throat and one from his …

Hello, my cat just had 2 polyps removed today. One from his throat and one from his left ear. I noticed when we got home his left eye looks a little funny. His inner eyelid is covering half the eye and it doesn’t seem to be dilated the same as his right eye. I’m worried they caused damage to the eye while in his ear?

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4 years ago

It could be swelling possibly… from the surgery? I definitely would call the vet who did the surgery as they know your cat’s exact situation and possible side effects. Plus, they will want to know the status of their patient I am sure. I would call first thing when they open- they may even want you to bring your cat in to take a look. Best of luck!!

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Please call the vet who did the surgery and notify them. I would suspect Horners Syndrome. It has happened with a few of my cases. It resolved over time. But your vet needs to be notified. Please also add your cats story and procedure (with cost of care too) so that others can benefit. We get a lot of question from people looking for qualified vets who will do this procedure. Ty!