Hello, my cat Koshka has been suffering from chronic upper respiratory symptoms (snorty breathing, sometimes bloody …

Hello, my cat Koshka has been suffering from chronic upper respiratory symptoms (snorty breathing, sometimes bloody sneezing) for quite some time now and I’m worried that she may have a nasopharyngeal polyp. I’ve watched several videos posted on youtube by Krista Magnifico and our situation sounds very similar to what was described there. This has been persisting for 2 years and she has been to the vet 4 times now and last week I took her to a new vet for a second opinion and she prescribed prednisone and said she could refer me to a specialist to do a rhinoscopy which costs over $2000.

My question is why hasn’t anyone thought to check for a polyp like Dr. Magnifico has been doing in these videos? It seems like a relatively simple and cost effective procedure. I’m getting very discouraged and frustrated at the thought of paying thousands of dollars just for diagnostics alone when I am currently unemployed. I’d be happy to take her in to the Jarrettsville Vet Center but I live in Nashville which is 12hrs away. I would love to hear any kind of advice on this matter as I’m not sure what to do at this point. Thank you for reading this!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, As with all of these cases I do t know why more vets don’t do a sedated exam and look for a polyp. I know lots who do, but most don’t. Please call around and try to find someone who is willing to look. Also based o the history of your cats symptoms it is unlikely this is a polyp. Most polyps I have seen are in young cats and the degree if inspiratory effort and noise worsens significantly over time. I would say about 6-12 months. I feel this is more likely to be either rhinitis (usually secondary… Read more »