She is just over 2 years old and a Belgian Shephard Cross with (I think…

She is just over 2 years old and a Belgian Shephard Cross with (I think) Podenco, due to the fact she has very large ears and was born on the Canarian island of Tenerife. It did grow quite quickly, it seemed to appear overnight almost and it hasn’t really grown much since I spotted it.

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10 years ago

Hi Amy,

it does sound and look like one. The important rule with bumps, though, is KNOW, DON’T GUESS. So please do have your vet evaluate and conclusively identify this.

Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
10 years ago

Dear Amy, The conventional approach will be well covered by another, and probably will be to do a biopsy. The blood will probably show eosinophils so that may be the first thing to do. I am holistically trained so I have a few different suggestions for you. We often find that any type of tumor is triggered by vaccines and toxins, so for now, avoid all vaccines and other toxins (flea control, house and yard chemicals). We often see tumors resolve when you discover the ideal diet – usually a fresh meat (raw or cooked) and pureed vegetable diet. Since… Read more »