I’m kind of freaking out because I’m afraid the backyard, where we take him out…

I’m kind of freaking out because I’m afraid the backyard, where we take him out to poop, is really infected, and also, the furniture that he sits on is infected.
Is there a for sure way to kill the eggs of these parasites from my yard and furniture? I’ve read on the internet that eggs only appear in places where he has pooped, so should I not be worried about the furniture?
Also, today I got him the medication he needs to treat these parasites. Will they completely clean the parasites, or will he probably have to do a second round of treatment?
Answers to my questions would be greatly appreciated!

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Michelle Dang
Michelle Dang
9 years ago

Thank you everyone who replied!

Laura Kyle
9 years ago

This is not uncommon. Your vet should have given you meds to kill the parasites. They will probably recommend rechecking a fecal in a few weeks to make sure that all of the parasites are gone. In the meantime, pick up your dogs stool in the yard.